Junta Electoral Central - Portal

Electoral Register Office

Logotipo de la Junta Electoral Central

Electoral Register Office

This Office, one of the divisions of the National  Statistical Authority (Instituto Nacional de Estadistica, INE), is the body specifically entrusted with the compilation of the electoral census under the direction and supervision of the Central Electoral Commission.

The Electoral Register Office has branch offices  in each of the fifty provinces, with local councils and Spanish consulates abroad as auxiliary agents in the registration of electors.

The electoral census is permanently accessible to the public for consultation at the Office’s provincial “delegaciones”, as well as at local councils and consulates.

The Office has the following powers in the census compilation process:

- Sending of instructions to local councils, consulates and Civil Registry officers.

- Inspection of local councils and consulates.

- Ex officio control and supervision of additions and deletions processed by the appropriate authorities and draw up a national electors’ record.

- To delete any entries not detected by local councils and consulates.

- Determine all petitions against proceedings of the authorities taking part in the census operations.

The Office has also the following powers in connection with the electoral process:

- To draw, together with local councils, the limits of the census sections, of their premises and of the corresponding election bureaus.

- To publish the electoral census in force for each electoral process and to determine any petitions filed by electors concerning the census data.

- To send to each elector a census card containing the updated data of the relevant entry in the current electoral census, and informing the elector of the section, the election bureau and the polling station where he is to cast his vote.

- To send to the electors who have requested to vote by mail the necessary documentation to do so.

- To issue the electors’ list corresponding to each electoral bureau.


Web Oficina del Censo Electoral